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I made history when I successfully pioneered Walmart’s first associate service dog team, making possible jobs for hundreds of disabled persons. Living with CP, I have become a nationally known spokesperson for disabled persons in the workplace. TheBlaze covers Spann's amazing story and his goals. Artificial Intelligence appears to be the next coming form or revelation aimed at helping the disabled in a mechanical infused environment. If this new technology can indeed help to open doors and improve lives of the disabled I applaud it and wait anxiously to see positive results. The Coke bottle installation is both an honor and an invitation to raise awareness for the disabled, and thanks given to Walmart for giving me the format to spread my message locally, nationally and internationally. Thank you to Kaitlyn Ross of 11 Alive for making the interview a success, unfamiliar surroundings, unknown questions all made easy by her over the top professionalism. Helping to get my story to a new and wider audience. I hope it’s not our last interview together. "A heartfelt gathering to honor Spann Cordle has set in motion a series of positive events connecting three Chattoogans to the legacy of the late Rev. Howard Finster, long known as one of the two greatest American folk artists, rivaled only by Anna Mary Robertson “Grandma” Moses." "Disability spokesperson Spann Cordle continues to gain local and international attention for his inspirational story, including recognition from the Chattooga County Historical Society and from Dena Ackerman, a fine artist and illustrator living in Israel." Michael R. H. Stewart wrote an article in 2015 about Spann and his mission to help others. Spann returns home to Summerville, GA after living in Griffin, GA for 10 years. Hoyt also just returned after an absence; the pair had previously worked together in the past. New Horizons wrote an article about Spann, his service dog Finn, and what Walmart does to make sure that Spann has a comfortable time at his place of employment. Disability Horizons interviews Spann about his struggles, how he overcame them, and how Finn helps him.